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Go beyond shadow IT discovery

In today's fast-moving SaaS environment, traditional static discovery approaches have proven limited. Beamy revolutionises Shadow IT detection by providing ongoing insights into SaaS usage, helping IT leaders and their teams to gain a deep understanding of their SaaS landscape over time.

Discover Your SaaS Landscape

Beamy offers a leading SaaS detection technology through our Web Browser Extension (WBE).

Accurate Usage Detection

The WBE filters the “noise” and can differentiate between the professional and personal usage of SaaS applications

Easy to deploy

The WBE can be seamlessly deployed at scale with just a few clicks using your usual MDM/RRM or GPO, Google Workspace.


The WBE processes data locally in the browser. It keeps the data collection to a minimum and only sends anonymous and aggregated data.

Enterprise-grade Security

Beamy is committed to security and complies with SOC 2 Type II standard. The WBE undergoes rigorous penetration tests. All data is encrypted both in transit and at rest.

Follow Your SaaS Usage 

The Web Browser Extension goes beyond SaaS detection and tracks SaaS usage over time.

Track the evolution of the SaaS landscape

On a global scale, gain precise and accurate insights into your SaaS landscape's growth over time.

Trace SaaS application lifecycle

At the application level, track when an application is introduced into the company and how it spreads from one team to another.

Understand Your SaaS Landscape

Delve into your SaaS usage data to uncover more

WHERE: Identify Usage Areas

Identify where a SaaS application is used (country, department, team).

WHO: Find Ownership

Use location data to help you to identify who could be the owner of the application. 

WHAT: Explore App Purpose and Risks

Leverage Beamy's extensive knowledge base of 50,000+ SaaS products to find out application purpose and associated risks.

our customers

The largest companies trust Beamy

Beamy is our SaaS control tower. Beamy's platform has provided us with spectacular results and enables us to have an exhaustive vision of our SaaS stack.
Jean Laborde
Deputy CIO — Fnac Darty
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Latest Insights


What is SaaS Sprawl?

SaaS Sprawl is the unchecked proliferation of third-party cloud applications procured directly by the employees without adequate vetting, sanctioning and SaaS life-cycle management. Its impact amplifies exponentially in the context of large organisations. This article discusses the challenges of SaaS Sprawl, with listed recommendations and best practices to prevent or overcome it.

Toward SaaS Governance

Once you have detected all the SaaS applications used within your organisation, it is crucial to build a SaaS governance and mitigate associated risks.

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